Alan’s Ark: Help; Guidelines; More Daily Prompts

Remember to read the list of prompt suggestions and guidelines further down this page 🙂

Daily Prompts are now updated automatically every day. See:

You may like to view a slideshow of random posts (quicker version).

Random post: You can also see a random post in the RANDOM POST menu or in the SIDEBAR menu (or in the Sidebar at the bottom of every page).

Update: This blog will now mainly run on autopilot. See:

==================== Newsflash ====================

You are welcome to submit your best posts to this site:

You do not need to have a prompt.

To share your own post, just put the following line anywhere in your post:

(Click on the same link to view posts)

Even your posts weeks old will go to the top of the list (until someone else posts).


You may also like to view my new Thumbnailed Group.


You are also welcome to use this list of recycled prompts if you wish.



This blog is a way of ‘paying it forward’ to those bloggers who have followed my blog and liked my posts. See:

Note: my daily prompt blog is now at

To create a pingback copy and paste one of these four options into your post:

Warning: Links starting with flakback or guest will link to my other blogs.

Each day, please create a post based on this list of old prompts (use today’s date from 2016).


I have decided to extend the number of choices for the Daily Prompt for each day.

Here are some additional choices for you for a Daily Prompt
[Remember to include today’s prompt from this list of old prompts
(use today’s date from 2016); read the guidelines below]:

  1. Continue using the recycled prompts from two years ago.
    You will find a list at the bottom of these posts:
    (please read my Help post). You can also look at this list of old prompts.
  2. You can find all the prompts from September 2017 here.
    This list will link to my posts. See:
  3. Why not use the Word of the Day from this site:
  4. Maybe use a word from today’s Quote of the Day at: or create a post based on the quote or a previous quote.
  5. Create a post based on one of the Photos of the Day at

    (include the picture in your post).
  6. Create a post based on one of the random images from this site:
  7. Choose one or more of these random eight words to write about:
  8. Choose say the longest word in the first two lines in the body of this Random post of mine as your prompt (it’s best to use the RANDOM POST menu). If it’s too easy or hard or not suitable for you for any reason, choose the longest word in the next two lines etc or choose another random post.
  9. Here is a random list of prompts. There are 50 randomly selected prompts in the list chosen from 820 prompts from the WordPress Daily Prompt site. I will change the list occasionally depending on demand.You can choose from the list of prompts, the prompt number for today’s date e.g. #14 on 14 June. You can also make a random selection for your prompt. Just think of a number from 1 to 50 and that word in the list of prompts will be your Daily Prompt for today.
  10. You can recycle a Daily Prompt from someone else’s blog. See:
  11. If you have a favourite post, make up a Daily Prompt for that post, and use it for today’s prompt.
  12. To share your post, you will need to create a pingback in your post.
    To create a pingback copy and paste one of these three options into your post:


The idea of a daily prompt is to give you inspiration so you might like to choose one of the other options.

Guidelines for posting on this site:

  1. Please make sure your prompt word is clear in the heading/text for your post.
  2. You may like to read my Help page:
  3. Please follow this blog:
  4. To see what other posts have used the same prompt(s) as you, use the search box at the bottom of every page.

Good luck with your blogging 🙂


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