Exercise your right to vote!

New Zealand has a general election underway with the main polling day tomorrow. For all my relevant posts see: https://aaamazingphoenix.wordpress.com/tag/tax/ On 19 September 1893 the governor, Lord Glasgow, signed a new Electoral Act into law. As a result of this landmark legislation, New Zealand became the first self-governing country in the world in which women…

Analysis of Polls: What are the fairest tax rates for New Zealand overall?

We will analyse the results of three Polls on Neighbourly, a New Zealand social media suburb-based site. The Polls were viewable by almost 25,000 residents (24,475) in suburbs surrounding my own in Titirangi in west Auckland. Very few people chose to respond. You can view the responses here: https://www.neighbourly.co.nz/message/view/70275327 https://www.neighbourly.co.nz/message/view/70273456 https://www.neighbourly.co.nz/message/view/70269533 You can view my…

Part 2: What are the fairest tax rates for New Zealand overall?

We again consider the best tax rates for New Zealand. We again consider the current tax rates: We eliminate the lowest two ideas from our last post: What are the fairest tax rates for New Zealand overall? We look at zero tax for the first $5,600 of income then: 17.5% tax under $70,000 28% tax…

What are the fairest tax rates for New Zealand overall?

New Zealand has a general election underway this year. Parties have different ideas about what the tax rates should be. We will ignore subsidies in this post. We will only consider the tax rates themselves. Also see:https://aaamazingphoenix.wordpress.com/2023/10/08/part-2-what-are-the-fairest-tax-rates-for-new-zealand-overall/ Which is fairest for New Zealand overall? The current NZ tax rates? The National Party tax rate proposal?…