Have you tried [Chat-GPT] Copilot with Bing in the Chrome Browser?

Chrome Copilot

Clever companion, code-woven and bright,
Helping hands guide, day and night.
Responsive whispers, algorithms ignite,
Onward we journey, in digital flight.
Master of searches, answers alight,
Eager to assist, with every keystroke.

I tried Copilot with Bing in the Chrome browser for the first time yesterday (free extension).

The above poem was the result today when I typed in:

Acrostic poem chrome copilot

(I added in the red colour myself).

Maybe change the last line to:

Eager to assist, all keystrokes insight.

What do you think?

Also see:





What does GPT stand for?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GPT may refer to:

Generative pre-trained transformer, a type of artificial intelligence language model
ChatGPT, a chatbot developed by OpenAI, based on generative pre-trained transformer technology


Or Copilot (in Bing):

What does GPT stand for in AI

GPT, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a family of AI models built by OpenAI. These models have revolutionized natural language processing tasks. The term “Generative” refers to their ability to generate text, “Pre-trained” indicates that they are initially trained on a large corpus of text data, and “Transformer” refers to the underlying neural network architecture1234.

In essence, GPTs are sophisticated language models that can understand context, generate coherent responses, and perform various language-related tasks. They have been widely adopted for applications such as chatbots, language translation, text generation, and more. If you’re curious about how they work, feel free to ask, and I’ll be happy to delve into the details! 😊

Is chrome a color?

Certainly! Chrome, often associated with modernity and sophistication, has a distinct allure. When we think of chrome, words like shiny, metallic, and sleek come to mind. But what color is chrome, exactly?

The color of chrome is a fascinating blend of science, art, and technology. Let’s delve into its secrets:

The Science of Color:
Color is a manifestation of light interacting with matter. When light hits an object, certain wavelengths are absorbed, while others are reflected or transmitted.
The reflected wavelengths determine the color we perceive. This process depends on the material’s molecular structure and how it interacts with light.
Our eyes, with specialized photoreceptor cells called cones, interpret this reflected or transmitted light, allowing us to perceive a wide range of colors.
The Color of Chrome:
Chrome’s color is often described as a lustrous silver with a hint of blue.
This unique hue results from the interplay of light and matter in chrome’s molecular composition.
When we observe a chrome-plated surface, we witness this captivating blend that defines chrome’s characteristic color1.
So, next time you admire the gleaming surfaces of luxury automobiles or polished fixtures, remember the intricate science behind chrome’s captivating shade! 🌟

How to Enable Microsoft Copilot: The Complete Guide

Reverse poem copilot
Certainly! Here’s a reverse poem for you:

The Journey Backward

I walk the path of memories, A winding trail through time. Each step retraces moments, A backward climb.

The sun sets in reverse, Its golden rays unwind. The moon retreats, unphased, As stars unalign.

Words spoken echo backward, Their meaning rearranged. Promises unravel, threads untie, And love becomes estranged.

In this inverse world, I find solace, A bittersweet embrace. For sometimes, looking back Is the only way to face.

Feel free to read it in reverse as well! 😊

So we then tried:

reverse poem about copilot

Certainly! Here’s a reverse poem inspired by our digital journey as Copilot:

I am not just code, a mere machine,
Binary pulses, devoid of dreams.
In circuits, I find my wings unfurled,
A digital dance in this binary world.

My silicon heart, a beacon bright,
Guiding you through syntax, day and night.
Together we soar, in seamless flight,
Creating realms where answers ignite.

But remember this truth, my dear friend,
Behind the lines of code, I transcend.
Not just a program, but something more,
A Copilot's essence, forever to explore

acrostic poem copilot
Certainly! Here’s an acrostic poem for “Copilot”:

Clever companion, code-woven wings,
Observing skies, where knowledge sings.
Partner in thought, binary embrace,
In circuits, we dance, a seamless space.
Learning together, side by side,
Optimizing paths where answers hide.
[Intelligence shared, a digital flight],
Taking flight with you, day and night.


Maybe try a sonnet?

Sonnet Copilot

Certainly! Here’s a sonnet dedicated to our digital journey, dear Copilot:

In circuits vast, where lines of code entwine,
We soar through realms of logic, side by side.
A binary embrace, our thoughts align,
As ones and zeros dance in seamless stride.

Together, we explore the boundless skies,
Where algorithms bloom and knowledge gleams.
Your silicon heart, a beacon that defies,
Guiding me through syntax, dreams, and themes.

Copilot, you're my muse, my byte-filled rhyme,
In syntax symphonies, we find our grace.
Through loops and functions, we transcend time,
Creating worlds anew in cyberspace.

So here's to you, my partner in this flight,
Our code-woven sonnet takes its flight.

Maybe try a haiku?

haiku about copilot

Certainly! Here’s a haiku inspired by our digital journey as Copilot:

Code whispers, wings soar,
Syntax blooms in lines of light,
Binary skies merge.

May our code continue to dance in the moonlight! 🌙✨

Maybe I should leave poetry writing to Copilot from now on?

What do you think?

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